About the Department
Founded in 1998, the department is one of the oldest at Mzuni. It initially operated under the Faculty of Education as the Department of Mathematics. Following a restructuring of the University in 2016, it was renamed to the Department of Mathematics and Statistics and relocated to the Faculty of Science, Technology and Innovation.
In addition to giving lectures to undergraduate and postgraduate students, the Department runs Malawi’s only Mathematics Olympiad with support from Old Mutual Malawi. This annual mathematics competition has been held since 2015 and it targets Form Four (or equivalent) students from secondary schools or high schools across the country. The competition aims at discovering, encouraging and challenging mathematically gifted young people in the country. The Department has also represented the country at the Pan African Mathematics Olympiads (PAMO), a continental competition, with support from Old Mutual Malawi.
The Department handles mathematics and statistics courses for students from across the various faculties in the University. Among others, the Department offers the following modules to undergraduate students: precalculus, calculus, introduction to statistical analysis, multivariate calculus, linear algebra, ordinary differential equations, numerical analysis, applied mathematics, mathematical statistics, applied statistics, real analysis, abstract algebra, number theory and graph theory.
The Department serves both generic, upgrading, ODeL students and postgraduate students. Some of the programmes serviced by the Department are Bachelor of Education (Science), Bachelor of Science (Biodiversity Conservation and Management), Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Renewable Energy Systems Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Information and Communication Technology, Bachelor of Science in Data Science, Bachelor of Science (Water Resources Management) and Bachelor of Science (Parasitology and Disease Vector Control).