These guidelines are designed to help prospective authors prepare their manuscripts in line with the journal's requirements. Adhering to these instructions will ensure a smooth submission and review process.
This is a summary of the article, which should be placed at the beginning of the manuscript. It should provide a vivid picture of the study in terms of the purpose, key research questions/objectives, methodology used, key findings, conclusions, implications, or key lessons arising from the study.
The author should demonstrate awareness of the scientific method of generating/collecting data to answer research questions or addressing research objectives. The research design should be discussed. The author should clearly state sampling techniques, and data collection/generation tools used. A section should be devoted to explaining how data was analysed. The author should demonstrate awareness of ethical issues related to the study.
Total length of the manuscript is not to exceed 20 pages and should include all references, charts, figures, and tables. Articles submitted should follow the guidelines of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), sixth edition. References are to be in APA style with hanging indents. Only works that have been cited in the manuscript should be listed in full at the end of the paper in alphabetical order of authors’ names; see the following examples:
In this section, the author provides the reader background information regarding the issue under study or investigation. This could either be the evaluation of debates in the area or policy background. This section should place the reader into perspective. The author should vividly discuss the puzzle that he or she is attempting to underatand or unravel.
This section should focus on findings of the study. These findings should relate to the specific research questions and objectives.
Discussion of finding
This section discusses the findings of the study. Findings should be discussed in the context of other related studies. Where a theoretical framework has been used, the author should interpret and discuss findings using the theory adopted.
Total length of the manuscript is not to exceed 20 pages and should include all references, charts, figures, and tables. Articles submitted should follow the guidelines of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), sixth edition. References are to be in APA style with hanging indents. Only works that have been cited in the manuscript should be listed in full at the end of the paper in alphabetical order of authors’ names; see the following examples:
In this section, the author should demonstrate awareness of related works or studies in the area of the paper. More importantly, he or she should review recent works of authors who have grappled with related reserach questions. This section should conclude with a theoretical or conceptual framework where the author should justify its selection and explain how it anchors the study or the paper. Statement of the problem, Research questions or objectives
The author should be able to draw logical or well thought conclusion based on responses from study participants or information collected or genrated.
The author should list references of all the studies that were cited in the study. Only those works cited in the study should be listed in this section. Reference should be listed using APA format (6th Edition).
Manuscripts are to be typed in Microsoft Word using 12 point Times regular face (no bold or italics). The entire document should be doubled spaced with .75 margins all around. (top, bottom, left, and right). Tables, charts, figures, and or illustrations should fit in a 3 ¼ width column and are to be on separate pages at the end of the manuscript.
Cover Page
Include this information on a separate sheet